Practicing Gratitude 3.2.15

  – Sweet friends, and girls who entertain themselves well

– This cutie intentionally spending time with the other one.

– MORE snow!

– Unlike Yukon, Cross and Ruby prefer the rug in front of the fireplace over the snow.

– A quiet snow day with Corbin home and kids at school. Now THAT is unusual.

– A weekend full of kids and neighbors hunkering down together with everything in our city pretty much shut down.

Next-door-neighbors ~ inseparable on these snow days
A perk to get to live behind Foster Park on snow days
Hud (covered by the fishing bandana) and his buddies
Crutches?? Keeping them highly entertained

– Hud\’s group of friends gathering at the park

Gotta love those McLean 7th graders ~ special group

– Huge pots of hot chocolate on the stove (thank you, Corbin!)

Coming in to get warm
Kitchen kind of looked like this all weekend ~ full of food and friends

– Arguing over which color the dress is

White / Gold or Black / Blue??

 – That Corbin hasn\’t even started at Radiology Associates yet, and already two of his co-workers played practical jokes on him. Makes me happy.

– Encouragement when I need it ~ family and friends to rant to, those who know my heart behind my words.


– Have I mentioned – a house full of kids??

– That Corbin and I can take turns being calm / angry in challenging parenting circumstances. So thankful there are two us.

– 1st actual McLean Wyldlife club – yee haw! Great energy, great turnout of kids.
(T-shirt pic, club pic)

– Brad Deal and his willingness to love kids well by serving with Wyldlife. What an incredible middle school teacher we have in him.

– A great table with great friends at the Tanglewood auction

\”Grey-haired Geezers\”
Good sports
I felt like a good sport, too! It took a LOT of motivating me to get out on a snowy night. Glad I did.

– Watching Hudson solve a Rubik\’s cube in under a minute.

–  That February is over. While it was a blessed month in many ways, it was also a difficult month. Glad to turn the calendar page.

– Looking back over the past couple of weeks, the blessings of our Fort Worth snow days ~ that we had more time at home than normal with kids. And just a slower pace. Not productive, but not running all around.

– What I\’m learning about wisdom in saying \”yes\” and practicing Sabbath principles. And what the Lord might be whispering to me about putting it to practice in the days to come. Kind of exciting.

 – Remembering Patty Anderson today especially. Celebrating five years in heaven. We sure love you, Kirsten and Erica, and your families are just beautiful. Your precious Moosie influenced us greatly.

March 2010 ~ Patty\’s Memorial service
Roomies with Kirst (all sporting our Raven and Lily necklaces)

 – Corbin\’s two weeks off.  Highlights included a couple\’s retreat at Laity Lodge, four days at Sage Hill Inn above Onion Creek (we sure hope to go back), JPS going away parties and dinners, and getting kids home more than normal for snow days.

– Corbin\’s excitement to start at Radiology Associates today! So very grateful for this fantastic provision, Lord.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12

One thought on “Practicing Gratitude 3.2.15

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  1. Thanks for remembering Patty — can't believe it's been five years! Love that you had some \”time off\” with Corbin (sort of — with kids filing your house) before his new job began. Love you! Jess

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