Practicing Gratitude 3.9.15

 – MORE snow… this is kind of getting a little crazy here in Fort Worth!

 – Snuggling with Daddy

One reason we love snow mornings


Mini snowman

– Corbin\’s first week of work ~ very full, a little overwhelming, but he\’s thrilled to be there.

– Reconnecting with so many old friends through Remembering David. Corbin and I are certainly not the only ones missing him.

That Basden’s 5th grade year is not hard on me. She is so responsible. So precious. 

– Jim taking Hud along with he and Jennings to Angel Fire for a few days ~ that Hud gets to snowboard AND see his cousins – a gift! And for Jim driving 24 hours to get them there and back (!)

Jennings and Hud
Foster and Hud

– THIS. I find this so stinking hilarious.

– PHS baseball tourn in Abilene. Two of the days were rained out, but we still got in two games Saturday. First game – great. Second game – could tell none of our players had eaten since 8am. Oh well. Fun to watch the boys and learn names / numbers.

Bran and Matthew

– A cold and kind of rainy couple of days at the lake. Time with both sets of grandparents, Marc and Grey.

Marc\’s nearly imperceptible photo bomb ~ funny kid
Bran, Grey, Marc

– Celebrating Papa\’s birthday with a humongous chocolate cake.


– Girls enjoying 7R\’s heated pool (brrr!)

– Guys\’ hike


– Very glad for Spring Break, although it\’s kind of weird following all of those FWISD snow days.

– Space for baseball players on a rainy Monday of spring break (and that they stopped to eat lunch on the way over to our house!)

– Grateful that all of this ice and snow slow the last couple of weeks down, but looking forward to the sun too!

– \”Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all the day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.\” Deut 33:12.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12

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