Practicing Gratitude 7.15.21

Park City – this mountain town, how much we enjoy being here

Our hike up above Silver Star and lunch at the Silver Star cafe

All of the fabulous views from Hotel Park City, both from our cabin and from the lobby, such a gift to be here 

Silver Lake hike so gorgeous, bonus to meet two neat young families on the trail ~ and with an Auburn connection to Hud

Amazing to think of these as ski runs!

Relaxed time with C

Every meal amazing, all different restaurants around Park City and Deer Valley

Dinner last night @ Ruth’s Chris with really great SR and RANT folks

Aspen leaves rustling in a cool breeze ~ nothing better

Joy and Bailey at home, holding down the fort

Essie getting to travel to Hilton Head this week with Annika’s family

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 Our home put back together, Jerry’s hard work and the front room is looking good! Still need light fixtures and a rug, but coming together – invigorating and a privilege to update things at home

After a crummy work day, Bran made a sale to the manager at their Mexican restaurant – didn’t give up

Lam 23:22-24 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

McCutchens’ 4th celebration hospitality, then to Colonial for fireworks, capped off with Graham’s kind gift delivered! 

Long, quiet weekend – wow

Lord, thank you for forgiving me with my words ~ often too many, and often too many about myself

Bailey offering to plan dinner and pick up groceries, ummm YES. Time with her in the kitchen

Pics of Hud from K2 ~ makes me so happy to see him

Day after day, Bran pounding the streets of Shreveport and Monroe

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“The Gospel cures me of my suspicion of God – that what He’s asking me to do really is for my best – if he gave his son for me, I can trust that his commands are for my best” ~ Gospel Primer

Encouragement to pray ~ “Lord, how can I offer myself a living sacrifice for you today?”

Dinner here with mom and dad, Daboo bringing veggie bounty from her garden

Cindy’s text, that C wrote her a note ~ wow just so thoughtful. Corbin makes me look good!

Hannah giving up insta, taking her hours back for her young family. Just huge, as she has a tremendous platform

May loyalty and kindness be written on Corbin’s heart, Bran’s heart, Hud’s heart, Joy’s heart, Essie’s heart ~ so that they will find favor and high regard in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:3-4

Joy arriving safely in Doha, Qatar , then on to Kenya ~ flew through the night for 16 hours

Thursday off… only a few more of these this summer. Summer slow down!!

Bible Recap. Loving a regular reading plan. Not really understanding much of what I’m reading here in Isaiah, my mind wandering, but grateful for TLC’s summary.

Being able to work from home a bit today ~ needing to finish some things up this week, but so nice to be home

Bailey and MJ making us dinner last night ~ stuffed bell peppers ~ so yummy and getting to spend a few hours cooking and eating together

Time with Essie today, running errands and getting her ready for kamp

Joy’s strong self image

Bailey watching two Hunger Games movies with Essie the last two nights, precious of Bailey to initiate that time together. Means SO MUCH to us. 

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Is 26:3 *This verse follows a chapter that talks about the destruction of the world – Isaiah’s warning that the Lord will destroy everything and everyone because they don’t worship him. So… interesting that this “perfect peace” is amongst great chaos and fear.

Lisa’s invitation ~ I hope to take her up on it soon

Dinner with the Richardsons last night, so good to connect with them

Lord, You are stretching us, growing us, building in us perseverance with parenting. It is a challenge and it is uncomfortable, but I am grateful for your big-picture growth. Thank you for not leaving me alone. 

The Lazy Genuis podcast ~ hospitality and summer dinners. Love her podcast tagline – “to be a genius about the things that matter, and lazy about the things that don’t.”

When I’m worried about one of my kiddos, on a very practical level, help me to quit striving and keep praying

Watching church from home, all the kids gone today ~ Essie made it to K2 on the bus, Joy made it to Kenya (we received a video from church this morn), and Bailey is in Gulf Shores

DREAM team – Bailey and our HSM leaders

Unexpected time with Bran ~ he drove in late Fri night, and then Ward met him here right about the same time (1am), we all got to visit for about an hour late in our bedroom – ha! Then the three of us spent a couple of hours yesterday by the pool, was really nice just to hang out and connect. Thank you, Lord! 

“If I could take 3 friends to Cabo next month, I would choose my sister and brothers. They are so FUN!” – Essie

Facetiming with Anna and her parents, she’ll be moving here in later this month from Switzerland!

“When my mind is fixed on the gospel, I have ample stimulation to show God’s love to other people. I am always willing to show love to others when I am freshly mindful of the love God has shown me.” ~ Gospel Primer

Much of Hosea is a call to repentance. That’s such a key to relationship with you, Lord. How often do I actually repent? When have I prayed that discipline for any of my family members?

Walking with Lori this morn

That C listens to my “work woes.” His issues are SO MUCH BIGGER but he’s a good listener, strong encourager

Hud and Essie at K2 together

Helping Rusty and Laura pick out tile, Laura’s precious interest in our girls

Basden’s text from Kenya. “I just want to stay here forever.”

Because laughter really is the best medicine

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chronicles 16:11-1

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