Forging Ahead and Believing God

It seems like January 1st can’t get here fast enough. We don’t have to scroll very far to see 2020 memes with hearty “good riddance” salutations, and this headband above, my friend's Target purchase, made me laugh - I think we\'re all ready for some comic relief. As we consider the Christmas story, I think... Continue Reading →

Blue Tassels

  We\'re anticipating celebrating Hudson’s high school graduation in a couple of weeks. Ceremony plans have been a moving target with Covid, but we’re hoping to celebrate this SCS Class of 2020 officially with actual caps and gowns. And tassels.  A couple of months ago in a small declaration of celebration, we hung Hud’s cap... Continue Reading →

You Do a Really Good Job with That

Even if they’re grown, it’s not too late.  No one ever outgrows the need for a parent’s encouragement or affirmation.  On the phone with my dad for a few minutes this morning, I remarked on the learning curve that comes with working four days a week, that spending time with people on walks and over... Continue Reading →

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